Starlight Bookkeeping Blog

Hiring Tips & Outsourcing

Hiring Tips & Outsourcing

September 27, 20245 min read

Hiring Tips and Why Outsourcing Might Be Your Best First Move

Alright, let’s be real for a second—running a business is no joke. One minute, you’re rocking the "I-can-do-it-all" vibe, and the next, you’re drowning in emails, orders, and figuring out why your website crashed again. Sound familiar? If so, it might be time to think about hiring help—but hold on! Before you start building that dream team, let’s talk about outsourcing first.

Outsourcing can be a total game-changer for small (and growing) businesses. It’s like dipping your toes into the hiring pool without committing to a full-time employee. And let’s be honest, sometimes commitment can be a little intimidating, right? Here’s why outsourcing might just be the right first step.

When to Hire: The Signs You Can’t Ignore

There comes a time in every business owner’s journey when the "wear all the hats" strategy starts to crumble. (Been there!) But figuring out when to hire help can feel tricky. If you’re experiencing any of the following, it might be time to delegate:

  • You’re spending too much time on tasks outside your expertise. If you’re spending more time on admin than actually growing your business, something’s gotta give!

  • The quality of your work is slipping. You’re overwhelmed, and it's starting to show. That extra bit of attention to detail you used to give everything? Yeah, it’s not happening anymore.

  • You’re turning down business because you literally can’t keep up. (not a bad problem to have, but still.)

Who to Hire: Freelancers, Contractors, or Full-Timers?

Once you’ve realized it’s time to bring in help, the next question is: Who? Here’s a quick breakdown of your options:

  • Freelancers: Perfect for short-term projects or specialized tasks. Need a graphic designer for a one-off campaign? Freelancers are your go-to.

  • Contractors: For ongoing tasks that don’t require a full-time employee but need consistent attention (like social media management or customer service).

  • Full-Time Employees: These are the folks you bring on when you need someone fully dedicated to a core part of your business.

What to Hire For: Focus on Growth, Not Busywork

Let’s talk about what you should actually hire for. The key here is to free up your time so you can focus on growing your business, not just keeping it afloat. Common areas where outsourcing or hiring help can make the biggest impact include:

  • Administrative tasks: Think scheduling, email management, customer inquiries. Get these off your plate so you can focus on the big stuff.

  • Bookkeeping/accounting: Keeping your finances straight is so important, but it’s also super time-consuming. Outsource to a pro (hint hint Starlight Bookkeeping 😉) and save yourself the headache.

  • Marketing: From managing your social media to running ads, this is one area where outsourcing can really pay off. Let the experts handle it while you keep doing what you do best!

Why Outsourcing Might Be a Better First Step

Let’s face it—hiring in-house can feel like a huge step. Full-time employees come with a lot of baggage: benefits, salaries, and time off. Before you go down that road, outsourcing is a simpler, more flexible way to get help without all the extras.

Outsourcing lets you bring in experts for exactly what you need, when you need it, without having to onboard, train, and manage someone full-time. It’s like ordering exactly what you want off a menu rather than committing to the buffet.

Plus, if you’re in those early stages where every dollar counts, outsourcing can seriously help you stretch your budget. Here’s why outsourcing might just be your best first move:

1. Lower Costs = More $$ for Growth

When you outsource, you’re only paying for the work you need—no annual salary, no benefits package, no stock options (unless you’re feelin’ extra generous). Whether you need a freelancer to handle your social media or a virtual assistant to keep your calendar from turning into chaos, outsourcing saves you money while still giving you the support you need.

2. Flexibility = Less Stress

Running a business means things change fast. One minute you’re killing it, and the next, a whole new set of challenges pops up (or you realize you forgot to file your quarterly taxes—no judgment, we’ve all been there). Outsourcing gives you the flexibility to get help when you need it and scale back when you don’t. No long-term commitments, no strings attached.

3. Expertise on Tap = Serious Time-Saver

Why spend hours trying to figure out how to do something when you can just hire someone who’s already a pro at it? Need a killer website? Outsource. Overwhelmed with bookkeeping (cough—that's where I come in)? Outsource. Whatever you’re not an expert in, there’s probably someone out there who is, and they’ll do it faster, better, and with way less frustration on your part.

And the best part? You get to focus on what you do best—growing your business, dreaming big, and maybe even sneaking in a coffee break. (Trust me, you’ve earned it.)

4. Outsourcing Lets You Scale at Your Own Pace

Here’s the beauty of outsourcing: you can start small and gradually add more support as your business grows. Maybe you just need help with social media to start. Then you realize your admin tasks are taking over your life (I’ve been there). Instead of juggling everything, you can add a VA to your team. Outsourcing lets you build the support structure you need, exactly when you need it.

So instead of hiring a full-time staff right out of the gate, you can take baby steps—and trust me, your wallet and your peace of mind will thank you.

Ready to Outsource? Let’s Do This!

Look, I get it—letting go and trusting someone else with parts of your business can feel like a big step. But remember, you don’t have to do everything yourself (even though we all try at first, right?). By outsourcing, you can keep your business lean, agile, and growing without losing your sanity in the process.

Whether it’s outsourcing your admin tasks, bookkeeping, or marketing, there are plenty of ways to lighten your load and focus on the parts of your business that you actually enjoy.

So if you're ready to give your business the space it needs to grow—while keeping yourself from burning out—outsourcing might be your next best move. Want more tips on how to make outsourcing work for you? Head over to My Calendar and lets find a time to chat!

Stephanie Blain

Starlight Bookkeeping

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